Thursday, February 14, 2008

I have recently, thanks to my cousin, been very interested in mass-market blogs. She has turned me on to cnet's "The Social" by Caroline McCarthy. It's not exactly my subject matter, but I find it very interesting. I've also found the gawker, a celeb watch blog, Zen Habits, and But, what I've been most interested in is . is a large blog based on the life and activities of living in the Minneapolis metro area. I wish that Huntsville had something so interesting. There are a lot of things going on in Huntsville - some interesting, and some not. But, for the most part, you have no excuse to be bored here. I chose not to go out because it's not my thing, but there would be plenty to do if I wanted to.

The only thing I've been able to find remotely close is Huntsville Event magazine, which we carry at Starbucks. Even though this magazine is run by a person I knew in high school, I'm just not impressed. It seems to cater to the "upper crust" (I guess why it's in Starbucks), with fancy dinners, expensive charity balls and advertisements for fancy clothing boutiques, spas, and Debutante events. Huntsville might have some affluent citizens, but this magazine certainly doesn't represent the general population, or the interests of the people that might actually feel fed by such a publication.

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