Saturday, March 8, 2008


The Iran-Contra affair during the Reagan Administration is such a huge disappointment to me. I learned about it a little in my American Government class, I was interested, but I heard something today that I wanted to look into a little more.

So, the Reagan Administration decided that it wanted to supply arms to Iran during the Iraq-Iran War in the early 80's. But, it was against current U.S. foreign policy to supply arms to other countries. The Administration also decided that it wanted to support the Nicaraguan counterrevolutionary movement to overthrow the Sandanista regime. So, it traded weapons for Iranian money to send to the Contras so they could buy weapons in South America to overthrow the Nicaraguan government.

So, most of the men indicted in the Iran-Contra affair after the news broke are now in high-ranking offices in the Security administration of George W. Bush.
Can you believe that the men involved in a highly illegal covert affair to supply two highly controversial groups of people with weapons and funding are now back in high ranking offices in our government?

What is going to surface in the next few years? Yeesh.

Here's the article on wikipedia

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