Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Everything I needed to learn about life I learned from working at Starbucks part 3

I've learned to be kind to others from working at Starbucks. I've learned, like Plato learned, to be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

I've learned how to read a person in the way they hand you their chosen form of payment.

I've also learned how to be a parent.

I've learned to teach my children to not wipe their disgusting slobbery boogery sticky hands all over the glass in a place of business. I've learned to not take my children into a place of quiet and contemplation if I cannot control my children (bless it, I hope that never happens).

I've learned to teach my children to say please and thank you to everyone. I've learned to teach them how to act in an adult environment - not pulling hair, and not screaming and running all over the place, grabbing breakable things.

But most of all, I've learned to teach my future children how to treat others. To teach them to respect those around them, no matter what kind of worker they come across. I know that politeness isn't inherent, it's taught.

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