Sunday, April 6, 2008


I have good intentions with this blog - I have intentions to update on a semi-regular basis to let people know what is going on in my head, but really, what happens, is I end up complaining.

But, here's what's going on.

I'm slowly trudging through getting my teaching certification. I'm still on the fence whether or not I am liking being in school. I don't think I like being in school, still.
Chris and I have found an apartment and I can finally move out of this house! This house has been so good to me, but it's time to move on. Most people don't move out of houses and into apartments, but we're not most people. I think apartment living will be just fine for us. The apartments we found are in the neighborhood that I love in town, with lots of history and old houses and character and a kick ass cemetery, and it's not too far from everything, so that's great. It's even better that it's up on the mountain near the state park where we were married almost 2 years ago!
Many people in my life, some who are peripheral, some who are quite close, are either pregnant, trying to get pregnant, have recently had a child, or are very comfortable in their life with their children. It makes my heart yearn. I don't necessarily dream of being pregnant, because that definitely doesn't sound like it would be my favorite stage in life. I like caffeine too much.
But seriously, my heart yearns for a child of my own - my own little person that I created with Chris, that I (hopefully) help grow into a happy, stable, productive person who is loved very much. I am able to stave the yearning with babysitting and visits with my friends' children, but I don't know how effective this will be long term!
In the meantime, I'm quite happy babying my dear cat, Nettles. That cat, who is just as sweet as anyone could ask for in a cat, is many times the highlight of my days. It is comforting knowing that I have created a relationship with an animal that is so mutually beneficial.

Ok, Nettles isn't the only highlight of my days, Chris is a wonderful highlight to my days. He takes care of me, makes sure I get things done that need to get done, brings me dinner to work if I forgot it. I <3 him.

1 comment:

Holly said...

i like this post.